Saturday, March 28, 2009

01 bird's eyeview

120807 bird’s eye view
(i'm trying to write series
of poems to take you to a journey
few poets have done on this generation.
i hope that you will enjoy it. God

part I

arm’s length away
i could see
threads on your dress
sweat on your legs

close to mine
i could feel
your warmth
i could hear
your heart beats

i give you kiss
you pretend
it didn’t touch
yet, you’re quiet
with close eyes

you give me hug
when i'm not expecting
you wipe off my sweat
and touch my lips

writing on the hill
we are like dots
we don’t mean much
to rejoicing clouds

rocks of love
They’re to stay
above grass
overlooking the bay

02 bird's eyeview

part II arm’s length away

dirt road slicing
daffodils hill
well hidden
like teardrops
along your eyelashes
can only be seen
when we are kissing

spokes of bicycle
purring, struggling uphill
tires catapulting gravel
whitening knuckles
gripping handlebar
straining muscles
overcoming obstacles

in a distance
you seem to be
walking on flowers
your hair floating on air
but i’m so close i could see
threads on your dress
sweat on your legs

03 bird's eyeview

part III close to mine

i gave you a push
you raise your legs
onto handlebar
gliding down
valley; i come
rolling, tumbling
lots of fun

i didn’t get up quick
i laid down and wait
feeling cool ground
soothing my bruises
i saw bloom, so close
i kiss with my nose

with a glimpse
you’re blocking sun
as you run closer
to where i am
you ask me, if i’m ok
then you lay close to mine

04 bird's eyeview

part IV i give you kiss

birds flying low
feathery clouds too
elephant grass flowers
betray soft wind
drifting across plain
like snow flurries

i can hear giggles of joy
from kids discovering their toy
not far, a short walk over hill
they are having fun, i could tell
one of their toys went astray
i pick it up and launch it away
it sputters then pick up speed
went up, nobody knows who did

i went back to where you are
in midst of grass, a knee high
skirting side of rolling hills
overlooking bay with colorful sails
you are lying, hands on your chest
your eyes are close, i give you kiss

05 bird's eyeview

part V you give me hug

swarming tiny yellow blooms
mingle with three petaled violets
and sprinkle of crawling reds
cradled by skinny grass blades
enough to attract roaming bees
lovingly leaving me in peace

dragonflies are flying high today
it will be a while before rainy day
palm leaves flirting with breeze
by docks overflowing with tourist
urge to walk down boardwalk borne
thirst for refreshment; fresh popcorn

i took your hand and pull you up
i skidded and you fell on my lap
look at each other, we both laugh
took your bicycle offered me ride
i told you. we should walk side by side
you smile so sweet, you give me hug
