Saturday, June 11, 2005

Gentle Waves

gentle waves(6/08/05)

bubbles from friendly fish
pop, sending ripples wide
bottom so clear no place to hide
beside the hollow rock crevices
so quiet, a distinct tick of a claw
snapping creature caught by the bow
darting eyes, popping gills - a symphony
myriad of marvelous stones in array

twin tanks behind my back
sucking air through the valve
gliding through the ridges
gently, like flying trapeze
watching depth and pressure gauge
still within level, safe
curious fish kisses my lens
as i touch those beautiful fins

i could hear soft footsteps
dashing through sandhills
a shadow painted on the water edge
voice echoing from the cliffs
as i puff out of the deep, a rainbow
beautiful palm trees within view
i saw your hand waving up high
a pretty face, a cute smile; oh my!


At 12:06 AM, Blogger manonton said...

THE first...never stop


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