Friday, December 19, 2003


(KITTYHAWK, NC 12/17/03)
The Chief, a star and other big wigs came to town
To witness the reenactment of the First Flight from the ground
At 10:30 this morning, it can't be done
Weather is not cooperating to the plan
Everybody went to lunch with a big hope
To see this big bird get off the slope
At 12:30 with enthusiasm, they ready to go
Even the wind is not giving enough blow
With strength of the hand, they crank the propeller
To the cheers of the crowd, it sound like thunder
Drowning the small engine's puff, puff
Everything is check even pilot's ear muff
The craft started to taxi to its launching pad
Too slow, too unstable, it got stuck in mud
Undeterred, they'd tried again
Only to be aborted because of the wind


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